Do I need a physical portfolio?

Art does not reproduce what we see; rather, it makes us see. — Paul Klee



This past week my instructor had us bring in our physical portfolio pieces to be reviewed. The discussion arose about the importance of having a physical portfolio or is a digital portfolio suitable? We came to the conclusion as a group that nothing beats a physical portfolio. We discussed how we all want the human experience. You cannot replace something tangible, especially when it is done well.

There are advantages to having a digital portfolio and in todays day it is almost required to have a digital, online and physical portfolio. If you are able to have all three then I feel clients will be more impressed when you come in for an interview. It shows versatility, as well as giving them a closer look into your craftsmanship skills. I feel physical portfolios are a great necessity to have, and to always have a pdf and online portfolio as well.

-Mikenzi Jones

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